Utah weekly communicable disease report

Background: The Utah Department of Health and Human Services collects data on over 75 communicable diseases that affect the residents of Utah. These data are monitored by epidemiologists to detect changes in disease activity, and guide prevention and education efforts. More information can be found at https://epi.utah.gov/.

Note: Individual disease investigations take time to complete; for this reason, data in this report should be considered provisional and will change as more complete reports are received.

Current counts of selected reportable diseases, compared to a historical 5-year average, week ending January 25, 2025.

Data Notes:

  1. Selected diseases include the top 25 diseases reported in Utah in 2020 and excludes HIV infection, syphilis and tuberculosis.
  2. Calculated by summing the counts for the current week, the 2 weeks preceding the current week, and the 2 weeks following the current week, for a total of 5 preceding years. The total sum of counts is then divided by 25 weeks.
  3. Averages are susceptible to skewing due to outbreaks and should be interpreted with care.
  4. YTD indicates counts are year-to-date. Year-to-date means counts are calculated from January 1 of the year in question up until the date of the report.
  5. Trend is calculated by comparing the current year-to-date count to the 5-year year-to-date average. A percent change of 15% or more will result in a change in the trend. This should not be interpreted as statistical significance.
  6. Recent changes in laboratory practices for Cryptosporidium may account for an increase in cases.
  7. Influenza is best assessed seasonally. Weekly updates are available at http://health.utah.gov/epi/diseases/influenza/surveillance/index.html
  8. U: 5-yr average is Unavailable because of changes in communicable disease reporting rules.